Isabell loved to encourage people to start a herb garden as an important part of their home garden. She believed herbs were given to us for our health and healing.
If possible create a herb garden close to the kitchen, so that the herbs are near by for picking regularly.
Herb Robert box
If there is no room for a herb garden in the ground, plan where you can place a few good sized pots, so that you can still grow a variety of herbs to use for flavouring.
There are so many herbs to choose from when planning a herb garden. Start with herbs that you like, and then gradually increase the range to introduce new flavours.
Herbs are valuable not only for the flavours they impart, but also they are rich in vitamins, minerals, living enzymes, antibiotics and antioxidants. The more antioxidants that you can use from a variety of herbs, the more powerful will be the benefits of the antioxidants, as the effect is multiplied.
Most herbs will do well in a sunny position, but they will still grow in shade if that is all that is available. Herbs that really enjoy shade (or 1/2 day sun and 1/2 day shade) are angelica, lovage, stevia, lebanese cress, and lawn chamomile; in fact most of the low growing ground cover herbs would do quite well in shade as they generally are shallow rooted plants, which means they could dry out quite quickly in hot dry weather, therefore a shady position in the herb garden could be an advantage.
Mulch the herb garden thickly, as this will help retain moisture. Fertilise herbs regularly, preferably with an organic fertiliser or foliar spray.
Isabell in her garden
Some of the most popular culinary herbs are: parsley, chives, garlic, marjoram, oregano, coriander, thyme, basil and tarragon. Regular cutting the herbs for using in the kitchen, will make the bushes strong, as in using you are very effectively pruning them, and the herbs will thrive.
Enjoy the aromas of your herb garden, as the aroma builds up energy in the body and a feeling of well being. Talk to your herbs regularly, then they are sure to thrive!
Isabell Shipard.
Isabell has always been the source of plants and advice for many of us, her admirers. We can be proud of her encyclopaedic work (Acerola to Yucca) on plants, which includes a vast reference background, as well as practical advice. "Shipard on herbs" is destined to be one of those foundation books that will be in print for the next century.
Buy one for yourself, and your grandchildren.
In all the places I have travelled and worked in the world as a Permaculture designer and teacher, I've never met anybody who has such a depth and diversity of knowledge of individual plants, their functions, cultural uses and the growing conditions they require as Isabell Shipard.
Isabell’s Herb Book Reviewed by Nicola Newman
Getting the Kids involved in the Garden
Levi misting a variety of sprouts
People need plants, not only do they provide us food, but medicine, timber, energy, and they help to make the air we breathe by producing oxygen and removing many harmful air pollutants. Teaching children how plants grow and the process of a little seed growing into a plant and then producing its own fruit is so important. Children love to see their little plant grow throughout the stages of its life. It is also a good bonding experience between parents and children, and also grandparents could be invited to be involved too, as they have many things to share. By getting children out doors, they are learning a new skill, getting exercise, fresh air and absorbing Vitamin D (which helps with mental development). Gardening is a great hobby and past time for any age. It is interesting to note, that research at the Washington University, indicated we can reduce our stress levels and lower blood pressure, by spending time in the garden. Make your garden a wonderful place of peace where plants flourish.
Sensitive Plant (open)
Remember the saying: “Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he will eat for a life time.” Lets teach our young.
Most people just find getting started, to be a bit daunting. Don’t rush, enjoy the process. The key, is to first get children intrigued.
Amazing plants that can ignite their interest could include:
Carnivorous Plants- Venus flytrap, Pitcher plants, Sundews, Cobra Lily, Nepenthes, Butterworts. These plants survive and feed by attracting, catching and then eating the bugs and grubs in your garden; you could also put a plant near the garbage bin to help with the fly situation. Some Plants and animals like fungi, fireflies, glow worms, and some large earthworms can even Glow.
Sensitive Plant (closed)
Some plants even move when you touch them, like the Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica), which is a weed found around Australia. It can close its leaves when you touch it, which fascinates children and the ‘not so young’ too. This plant is helpful for the nervous system. Caution: the stems do have prickles. For the many benefits of this plant refer to “How can I use Herbs in my Daily Life?”
Sprouting Christmas Gift
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It’s fun, meaningful, and even makes a thoughtful gift. Why not treat yourself or a loved one to the gift of health this season?
Order your Christmas gifts early so they arrive in time.
Over the past weeks I have watched through a number of interesting classes on Skillshare.
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Below are a few short classes on herbs and gardening you might find interesting, and I invite you to try Skillshare Premium FREE for 2 months to check them out.
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