The aroma and sensory experience of herbs can uplift your mood and promote relaxation

Discover the Benefits of Using Herbs Daily

Introduction to Herbal Living

Herbs have been an essential part of human life since the dawn of civilisation, providing not only sustenance and flavour but also health and healing. In “How Can I Use Herbs In My Daily Life?”, Isabell explores the profound benefits of integrating herbs into your daily routines. This blog post will introduce you to the world of herbal living, drawing on the wisdom and practical advice from Shipard’s book.

The History and Significance of Herbs

Herbs have been utilised for thousands of years for their medicinal and culinary properties. From the ancient Greeks and Romans to traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, herbs have played a crucial role in health and wellness. Plants used in medicine have been referred to as ‘herbs’ for over 3000 years. This rich history underscores the timeless value of herbs in maintaining health and vitality.

Benefits of Using Herbs Daily

mortar and pestle1. Health and Healing

Herbs are nature’s medicine. They can aid in detoxification, symptom relief, and strengthening the body. Isabell highlights, “Herbs support the innate healing process… licorice has been found to contain over 600 constituents, which indicates it also has many actions”. Whether it’s the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric or the calming effects of chamomile, herbs offer a natural way to support your health.

2. Culinary Enhancements

Adding herbs to your cooking not only enhances flavour but also boosts nutritional value. Isabell encourages, “Herbs can dress up an economical dish, enrich a meal to make a tastebud treat, a meal fit for a King”. Herbs like basil, rosemary, and thyme can transform simple dishes into gourmet experiences.

cooking-herbs3. Mental and Emotional Well-being

The aroma and sensory experience of herbs can uplift your mood and promote relaxation. The aroma of herbs like basil “is good for the heart, it taketh away sorrowfulness, and maketh a man merry and glad”. Incorporating herbs into your daily routine, whether through teas, aromatherapy, or baths, can significantly enhance your emotional well-being.

4. Sustainable Living

Growing your own herbs contributes to a sustainable lifestyle. It reduces your carbon footprint and ensures you have a fresh supply of herbs at your fingertips. Isabell often talked about the joy and satisfaction of gardening, “Working in the garden is one of the simple things in life that gives big rewards. Time spent in the garden is time spent close to nature, which is rejuvenating to body and mind”.

Practical Tips for Starting Your Herbal Journey

1. Start Small

Begin with a few easy-to-grow herbs like basil, mint, and parsley. These herbs are versatile and can be used in various dishes and teas.

2. Incorporate Herbs into Your Diet

Add fresh herbs to your meals. Experiment with herbal teas. Isabell suggests making herbal teas a part of your daily routine, noting their benefits for hydration and health.

3. Learn and Explore

Educate yourself about the different herbs and their uses. Isabell’s book “How Can I Use Herbs In My Daily Life?” is an excellent resource, offering detailed information on over 500 herbs, spices, and edible plants.

herb garden4. Create a Herbal Space

Dedicate a space in your garden or kitchen for growing herbs. Container gardening is a great option for small spaces.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is renowned for its remarkable benefits in skin care. In “How can I use HERBS in my daily life?”, Isabell notes that Aloe vera applied externally has the ability to reach the deepest body tissues, penetrating some seven layers. This deep penetration allows aloe to effectively treat various skin conditions. She continues to say that aloe vera can be used for acne, pimples and boils, and it’s particularly effective for burns, with research showing it to be 50% more effective for burn treatment than other remedies usually used in clinics, and that healing took place with minimum formation of scar tissue. Additionally, aloe vera’s astringent and conditioning properties make it useful for controlling ageing lines of the face and neck.

Aloe Vera Barbadensis
Aloe Vera Barbadensis

To use aloe vera for skin care, Isabell’s book suggests several methods. For general application, a fresh leaf can be cut open with a knife and the gel applied to the skin. For burns or other skin irritations, you can apply the gel from the leaf immediately. The book also recommends using aloe vera as a natural after-shave lotion, noting its soothing, quick-healing, antiseptic action on razor cuts. For anti-aging purposes, Isabell advises to apply the leaf gel daily to control aging lines on the face and neck. It’s important to note that while aloe vera is generally beneficial, the book cautions that a small percentage of people can be allergic to aloe and they may develop a rash, so it’s wise to test it on a small area first.


Embracing herbal living is a journey towards a healthier, more flavourful, and sustainable lifestyle. By incorporating herbs into your daily routine, you can enjoy their numerous benefits and reconnect with nature’s wisdom.
Start your herbal journey today and discover the transformative power of herbs in your daily life.

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Isabell Shipard’s Self-Sufficiency and Survival Foods Book – How can I be prepared with Self-Sufficiency and Survival Foods?

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Commendations for Isabell’s book 
How can I be prepared with Self-Sufficiency and Survival Foods?
Once again, Isabell has put together a very helpful book. A book that will help us to act together, for survival in emergencies, such as surround us today. Many of us have tried, at all levels, to alert people to the critical state of the nation , due to global warming, low levels of all fuels and drought. To grow our own food always has taken us less time than to shop for it! People, in the end, get what they choose, and to me at least, chasing life and food seems only sensible. As usual, Isabell has put in your hands, a manual that helps that aim. She has all my support.
Bill Mollison
Founder, The Permaculture Institute
This is an essential book for everyone who intends to make a serious effort to survive any food crisis. It is full of the most detailed and valuable information on a great diversity of survival foods, and how to produce them. Isabell has the greatest knowledge of reference and experience on this subject that I have ever known or met in all my travels, teaching and consulting on permaculture around the world. You need to buy this book for the security of your family.
Geoff Lawton
Director, Permaculture Research Institute, The Channon, NSW, Australia


wishing you health and well-being
Ricky Shipard


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