Were you caught out?
In recent days all the toilet paper has been bought up from all the supermarkets around us. I’m assuming that people are buying up everyday items with the concerns that if the Coronavirus gets worse there may be a shortage. I also just received an email from Steven Cain, Chief Executive Officer of Coles Group wanting to reassure customers that “Australia has an outstanding supply chain and most of our products are sourced from Australia including toilet paper.”
In the world that we now live in it can be beneficial to build up a store of non perishables and daily items over time to have on hand, incase specific items run out. But it can also be the fear of shortage and lack of resources that creates panic in the public and that in turn creates the shortage, like with the toilet paper.
Isabell explains ways that you can be prepared for times like these in her book
How can I be prepared with Self-Sufficiency and Survival Foods?
Planting a garden with food potential is one of the most valuable things we can do.
We need to encourage one another to be as self sufficient as possible… now… in our gardens, as this is the most nutritious fresh food… and cheapest way to live in these times of rising prices.
Growing our own food is very satisfying as well as beneficial to health and well-being.
How much food and non-perishable food does your family have on hand?
Some of the topics covered in Isabell’s book are
- Establish a 72-hour kit
- Sufficient food, water and essentials for a 3-month period
- 12-months’ of stored food, for extra protection
- Methods of storing food provisions
- Hardy survival food plants
- Preservation and storage of foods
You might also like to know about 2 plants that are great for toilet paler.

Arla bush Tithonia species, p 73, 1-3m tall with white daisy flowers, and large, soft leaves; and Blossom bouquet bush Dombeya burgessiae, p 29, 2-4m tall with large leaves. These bushes will provide velvety-soft leaves for using in an outside, makeshift toilet, if the sewerage system does not work. In one of the Herb courses, a lady shared that her mother-in-law always keeps a 12- month supply of toilet paper; you see, she had lived through the 2nd World War in Europe and knew what it was like not to have toilet paper. At any time hygiene is important, and even more so during times of upheaval, as disease can spread rapidly.
See Isabell’s books How can I be prepared with Self-Sufficiency and Survival Foods? and How can I use HERBS in my daily life? for more on these plants.
Boosting your immune system is always a good thing to do.
And one great way of doing that in the coming weeks is through living food – Sprouts.
Sprouts will be a quick and easy way to add extra nutrition and wellbeing to your diet if fresh food becomes hard to get because of a shortage or quarantine.
How can I grow and use Sprouts as living food?
Sprouts are very special. Sprouts are live food, comprising essential and balanced nutrients for alive people, as life proceeds from life. Life and health go together.
Good health is precious. Recently, a lass I was speaking with, summed it up so well, saying, “Our body is such an exquisite gift”. What a wonderful and thought provoking statement. Every person needs to work at maintaining health, therefore, we need to learn all we can about nutrients and how the body functions.
Fenugreek Sprouts
Fenugreek also has the reputation as a lymphatic cleansing herb. The lymphatic system is the vacuum cleaner of the body. It has the vital role to irrigate the cells with nutrients and to remove toxic wastes, dead cells and trapped proteins. The fluid is cleaned through the lymph nodes, before the body’s 13 litres of filtered lymph fluid recycles again via the subclavian vein near the heart. A blocked lymphatic system can mean poor circulation, fluid retention, pain, loss of energy, and disease anywhere in the body. An efficient working lymphatic system is essential for a strong immune system. Steve Meyerowitz in ‘Sprouts the miracle food’ mentions that the chemical composition of fenugreek resembles that of cod liver oil, and is considered a sister herb to garlic, and fenugreek is found to actually enhance the disinfectant properties of garlic.
You can get Fenugreek Sprouts directly from Shipards Herb Farm here.
Some simple methods of sprouting seeds
- The glass jar is ideal, as we can visibly see the seeds growing through the clear glass, and I believe this in itself, is one of the wonderful facets of sprouts… that we can watch the miracle of the seeds sprouting to life…
- Sieves and colanders Both these kitchen utensils are useful for growing sprouts and provide good ventilation. Use fine mesh sieves for small seed, while larger weave of colanders are suitable for big seeds. Seeds require soaking for the recommended length of time as per sprout chart (p 136)…
- Clay saucers are good sprouting containers. Go to the closest garden centre or hardware store and choose from the variety of terra cotta saucers available. [Make sure you wash them thoroughly]. Clay saucers are ideal for all the brassica varieties and for mucilaginous seeds like chia, cress, psyllium and flax…
In her book Isabell covers over 100 kinds of sprouts and the many benefits.
Sprouts can
- grow in any climate at any time of the year
- requires neither soil or sunshine, but is still rich in vitamins and minerals
- has not been subject to chemical sprays while growing
- is extremely economical and in preparation has no waste
- rivals meat in nutritive value
- can be grown indoors within a minimum amount of
space - multiplies 400% or more in 5 days
- matures in 3-5 days
Just use them regularly… a dollop of sprouts on breakfast, lunch and dinner, and for snacks too. As sprouts are alkaline, they are valuable to eat at the start of a meal as they help to alkalise the mouth, which isimportant to the first stage of digestion. Add nutrient-rich sprouts (alkaline) as a garnish on a cooked meal (usually acid); and tell yourself that the sprouts are ‘the choice food’ on the plate.
Use sprouts in salads, coleslaw, sandwiches, pita bread, tacos, sauerkraut, dips and spreads, smoothies, green sauces, juiced with vegetables, stir-fries, breads, and even in cakes, to take the place of nuts or dried fruit. Dress up sprouts with olive oil, lemon or lime juice, a dash of apple cider vinegar, garlic, onions or fresh herbs. Try different sprouts with a variety of grated or diced vegetables.
Sprouts, herbs and self-sufficiency. It is certainly a time to be aware and informed. I encourage you to take the steps to be prepared.
Some More Resources
from the Urban Monk a
• Bacteria And Virus Defence Guide
Click here for a Bacteria and virus defence guide
This Bacteria And Virus Defence Guide PDF includes the following information.
- Rules for staying healthy during cold flu season
- Natural, Immune-Boosting Herbs
- Oral Biome Healing Vitamins for Immunity
- List of alkaline foods
- List of foods containing Vitamin C
- Natural, Organic Homemade Sanitizer
- Immune Boosting Bitters
• Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19
This PDF includes the following information.
- Routine environmental cleaning
- Hand hygiene
- Information for cleaning staff
- Social contact environments
- Health care settings
- How can we help prevent the spread of COVID-19?
• 10 more options for plant based toilet paper.
Luke from MIgardener shares his joy and optimism and 10 other options for toilet paper.
• You might like to read this page
Click here for 15 Impressive Herbs with Antiviral Activity
• 12 Simple & Easy Recipes for Anyone in Self-Isolation
Click here for 12 Simple & Easy Recipes for Anyone in Self-Isolation
• Masks? Handwashing? Sanitizer?
Click here for How to Protect Yourself from Coronaviruses
wishing you health and well-being
Ricky Shipard