Leading international scientists agree that human activity is disrupting the planet’s climate system.
Fossil fuels, used for energy and transport, are seen as major contributors to the problem. Without significant action, to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, we will cause catastrophic damage to the Earth’s ecosystem, causing social and economic upheaval.
We are warned, by scientists the world over, that we need to take urgent action, to save our global home, before it is irreparably damaged or destroyed. A great change in our stewardship of the Earth is required if we are to avoid vast human misery. Today, we live in an unprecedented time of amazing global challenges. We will see tremendous leaps in technology, while current environmental crises make us see how urgent it is … that we now move towards a simpler way of life, with achievable everyday actions.
As I write this book-cover preface, the following email arrived with the subject title: You. Will. Not. Be. Able. To. Get. Food. The report gave graphic details of how the availability of cheap food is crumbling, and that this warning could not be spelt out more plainly.
Can you imagine the near future without petroleum … or at simply unaffordable prices? Cheap energy and food, clean drinking water, and almost all other key resources could become very limited and highly-priced, with inflation bringing a massive economic recession.
The entire human family must work together, with a vision to build a sustainable, just and compassionate future.
We need to remind ourselves … we are all links in a chain … each one of us must be strong and pull together to bring positive change … to reduce, re-use, repair, restore, and recycle. Besides, we can create a caring ‘chain-reaction’. All of us can play a prominent part to build and support initiative and co-operation, creativity and sharing of talents, respect and harmony … and aspirations that will take us beyond our present horizons.
We can all be part of positive changes: making careful decisions with everyday tasks, such as the choice of foods we buy. Even this simple choice may contribute to carbon emissions or, alternatively, reduce greenhouse gases and resuscitate our shared planet!
Let’s tread softly and BE PREPARED … no matter what.
Isabell Shipard